Bubba and a team First Baptist Church, Kingsland, First Baptist Church, Boerne, and Ten/Ten Church in Boerne conducted two pastors and church leaders conferences in Budaka and Maygue, Uganda. They were able to visit Busoga, the village that FBC, Kingsland has adopted. They also attended the graduation ceremonies of the TreeLife Bible and Trade School. There were twenty-seven ladies that graduated. Each one received a new sewing machine as a graduation present. There were twenty-three men that graduated. Each one received a new bicycle as a graduation present. Bubba also taught pastors in Arequipa, Peru for a week. These pastors are in the Pastoral Ministry Certificate program with New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. Bubba is an adjunct professor for NOBTS. Bubba is ending up time in Mongolia, going with 3 other men. They hosted a pastor’s conference for those serving in remote areas unable to receive training and Salt Block Ministries funded the pastors conference. They also held a Bible Training for Christian professionals in the capital city of Mongolia. 2 small churches in a city in eastern Mongolia were encouraged with hosting a service where the crowd grew from 25 to 100 and many made decisions for Christ along with many who were inquiring about accepting Christ as their Savior. Truly a remarkable time. Bubba taught 2 courses in a small Bible College and Salt Block assisted the students with the cost of those courses. There are students who still communicate with him learning Bible truths and receiving encouragement in their ministry and calling. A team of 10 just returned from a mission trip to Uganda – Kakombo. They hosted an international youth conference with about 1000 attending! 700 young people made decisions to follow Christ and/or dedicate their lives to the calling of God to help spread the good news of Jesus Christ all over Uganda and to continue to be the leaders God has called them to be in their developing nation. It was a tremendous week of preaching, teaching, fellowship, worship for all who attended. A new school in a remote village was visited by the team and fund raising has begun to build a permanent school with a church and clinic. Check out firstkingsland.com for more information on this effort. God is at work among His people in Uganda and surrounding countries, spreading the good news everywhere and equipping people to be the leaders needed in their homeland. A few of the Uganda TreeLife Board Members are making plans to visit us in Texas to meet those who are providing support and to share the need for continued support in their country. Pray for them in this process of passports, visas and airline tickets. It is an exciting time to be involved in all that God is doing all over the world! NURSES HOUSING IN KAKOMBO – Funds were sent to TreeLife Ministries to complete the building that will house the nurses who come to Kakombo Clinic for training while working. This is a BIG help because the clinic in Kakombo is a model for other villages to follow, so they are sending nursing students to the Kakombo clinic for training. This will further the medical help needed in the most rural areas of Uganda. Praise to God for providing the funds through some wonderful donors. Thank you, all who donate to Salt Block Ministries! UPCOMING CONFERENCE for TreeLife Board Members. Funds have been donated to sponsor the TreeLife Board members to attend a conference on leadership in ministry and missions, which will be held in Kampala soon. The board members are so excited about this as they have not been to training since their graduation from Bible University. Thank you Donors for helping to make this possible!!! SALT BLOCK MINISTRIES BIBLE CONFERENCE, “Developing Our Spiritual Senses”, with Pastor Bubba Stahl, will be held June 4-5, 2010 at Smith & Smith Ministries, 28703 IH 10W, Fair Oaks, TX. Conference Hours will be Friday June 4, 7-9 pm and Sat June 5, 8:30-noon. The conference is sponsored by Salt Block Ministries and Smith & Smith Ministries. There is no charge for the conference, but a ‘suggested’ donation of $25 will be accepted. The donations will raise funds for the ongoing ministry of Salt Block Ministries to equip indigenous leaders in third world countries. Check out local hotels online for NW San Antonio or Boerne, TX. The Team has landed in Newark NJ Airport. Had an interesting journey home. And more wonderful news to share. As they arrived at Entebbe Airport, they were told that their flight out was cancelled and could catch the next one the next day. They quickly said, “No way”. So Brussels Air hurried to get them out on the KLM flight an hour earlier than the original flight, which took them to Amsterdam! Not Brussels. YEA for Brussels Air and KLM working together. They will arrive HOME in Austin at 6 pm if all is on schedule. He also had more to share about the wonderful things that took place while they were there. 1- 72 souls came to Christ!!! 2- 35 were baptized in obedience to Christ’s command (Pastors Wilson and Festo, the elder pastors there, baptized, with Festo proudly wearing his Aggie cap! Pictures coming on site soon.) 3- A new church was started at the TreeLife Farm Village. A few Christians there have been praying for a church to start in their village. For Christ-followers to have a place for worship and discipleship and witnessing is so good. 4- 35 pastors were taught at the TreeLife Bible & Trade School by Bubba and Greg. AND 5- Many YOUTH attended this training also. These are youth who have been on fire since a group from our church was there last year, ministering and discipling the youth to be servants in the kingdom. Many are now serving in thelocal churches, which is a new experience. How wonderful are the feet of those who bring the good news to the people. We (all who have joined in prayer and support) have been a part of the wonderful plan of God to go and make disciples in the uttermost parts of the world, in Uganda and beyond. To God Be the Glory! Great Things He has done and is doing and will do!!!! The 28 hour long flight from Entebbe to Brussels to Newark to Austin has begun. Then the 2 hour travel to the house from the airport. But all in all it was a wonderful mission trip. On the way out of Kakombo, in Jinja, Bubba was able to meet with the man who is directly under the President of Uganda. He was very interested to hear of the work that Salt Block Ministries is doing to equip the leaders in Uganda. It was a very ‘miraculous’ thing to be able to meet with him on this short notice. Again an answer to prayer and God’s divine intervention in directing Bubba’s path. Amen! Bubba called to say that all was going well with no problems. He was able to visit a new village in Uganda, Ikumbya, and hold services there. 20 Ugandans gave their hearts to Christ at the service. Pastor Fred was very excited as were all the people. Greg was able to visit Nawango where we had helped to start and build a church. There was good news mingled with sad news. It seems that great persecution has come upon the church, with many being saved, the enemy and occult groups are kidnapping children away from the Christian believers in the church. We must pray on their behalf for protection. You can see a picture of the Nawango Church with its members in the Media section on this site. This is the first time we have experienced this severe persecution in ministry of SE Uganda. Obviously God is at work and people’s lives are being set free from bondage to freedom in Christ, which makes the enemy clamor and seek ways to undermine the work of God. What else is new? The enemy has always sought to undermine God’s love for His creation. But God has won the victory for all believers through His Son Jesus Christ. Amen! Bubba and Greg have arrived in the bush village of Kokombo in eastern Uganda. They are sleeping on foam pads in Kokombo Baptist Church with mosquito nets. They will be teaching pastors at TreeLife Bible School all week along with preaching services in the evenings. Our prayers are with them there for health, strength, wisdom and great encouragement from our Lord and His people there. On Wednesday, May 12, I fly out of Austin and arrive in Uganda Thursday afternoon (Texas time). We (Greg Lewis, Minister of Education at First Baptist Church Kingsland) will be teaching pastors at the TreeLife Bible and Trade School the week of May 17-21. We will also be visiting and preaching in some of the villages and churches in and around the village of Kokombo where the Bible school is located. I will try to leave updates during the week if we have access to the internet. Thank you for your prayers. Bubba Salt Block Ministries Accomplishments for 2009 Received our 501 (c) (3) status from the Internal Revenue Service. Began supporting four students in Uganda; Violet, a school teacher; William, a headmaster; Gertrude, a nurse; and Alex, a pastor. These four students are now in school on scholarships provided by donations from individuals and from the sale of the book by Bubba Stahl, The Salt Block; Heartwarming Stories from a Cowboy Pastor. Completed construction of a church building for the Nawango Baptist Church. Completed construction on a missionary dormitory (six rooms) at Kakombo, Uganda. Began providing a monthly salary for three pastors in Uganda: Patrick, a pastor and teacher in the TreeLife Bible and Trade School; James, the pastor at Nawango Baptist Church; Stephen, a church planter. Conducted our first mission trip in October ’09. Bubba Stahl spent ten days teaching pastors in Uganda, visiting churches, and participating in the dedication of the Nawango Baptist Church building. Created our web site; www.saltblock.org. This site has a weekly blog by Bubba Stahl. Began 2009 with $31,078.40 and ended the year with $25,309.43. Our budget for 2010 is $21,000. Thank you to everyone who prayed for us, who donated to our ministry, and who bought a copy of the book, The Salt Block. Every penny of donations and sales from the book goes to the mission field. Our board of directors covers all administrative costs with their donations. We will continue to scholarship the four students mentioned above, as well as the three pastors. The four students will complete their studies by 2012. We have added monthly support in our 2010 budget for the TreeLife Bible and Trade School in Kakombo. This school provides Bible training, language training (English and Swahili), and trades (tailoring, carpentry, brick laying) for bush pastors and church leaders. The students attend classes for one week each month. They complete their certificate in one year. They stay in the Kakombo Baptist Church building, school, and clinic during the week while they are attending classes. Ladies attend the second week of the month, and men attend the third week of the month. Classes are limited to 25 students. Each student pays $1 for the week. Our support will help with the costs of food for the students and will supplement the salaries for the six teachers of the school. We have planned three mission trips for 2010. Bubba Stahl has been invited to teach pastors in Uganda (May), in Mongolia (July), and in Peru (September). We will communicate with our donors quarterly with ministry updates. Please join us in prayer for our students, pastors, and mission trips for 2010.
January, 2015
August 20, 2012 Mongolia Mission Trip
September 2011 Indonesia Bible college Training
January 11, 2011
January 1, 2010
May 21, 2010
May 20, 2010
May 17, 2010
May 14, 2010
May 10, 2010
December 29, 2009
Plans for 2010